Greetings and Salutations

Want to write for TV?
Grab a d20. You know, those 20-sided die you’ve seen my fellow nerds sling around. Look up — that thing I have at the top of my blog.

I’m not joking. Sure, I’m exaggerating so that I can sound super dramatic, as though I were leaning across the bar to you to deliver some dramatic secret over my half-finished scotch

But I’m not joking.

There is almost no better hobby for professional storytellers than tabletop roleplaying games, and that’s five times true if you want to write for television. If you listen to Jose Molina and Javier Grillo-Marxuach’s brilliant podcast “Children of Tendu”, you’ll quickly learn that writing for television requires a skillset that isn’t often taught in film school. It’s a skillset that could benefit any storyteller, but TV needs it in spades, locked in an eternal knife-fight with actual game design for requirement of those skills.

What are those skills? Buy me another scotch, my friend, and I’ll whisper secrets in your ear.

Like Chief O’Brien, I prefer something single malt, from the Highlands

My goal with this blog is to explore gaming and storytelling. How those two worlds intersect. I’ll be taking a deep dive into each of these topics, and along the way, I’ll be picking apart different games and stories to see what lessons we can learn from them. I might even throw a recipe or two in there if I ever get desperate for content.

I hope you stick around.
I hope you learn something.
I hope you remembered your dice.

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